Notification of Award Supply of Casing for the Dieng 2 and Patuha 2 Drilling Campaign

Notification of Award

Package G-02: Supply of Casing for the Dieng 2 and Patuha 2 Drilling Campaign

This is to notify the award of Contract No. G-GDE-D2P2-002; Package G-02: Supply of Casing for the Dieng 2 and Patuha 2 Drilling Campaign.

The summary results of the Bid are as follows:

  1. List of Bidders
Name of Bidder Bid Price as read out at opening Corrected Bid Price
PT Seamless Pipe Indonesia Jaya USD 13,488,510 USD 13,488,510
PT Marubeni – Itochu Tubulars Asia, Pte Ltd - -
PT Citra Tubindo Tbk USD 12,161,515


IDR 172,693,513,000

USD 12,161,515


  1. List of Rejected/Unsuccessful Bidders and the reason/s why the Bid was rejected/unsuccessful
Name of Bidder Reason/s
PT Marubeni – Itochu Tubulars Asia, Pte Ltd, Singapore For failure to (i) submit the Bid Security and (ii) meet the technical requirements.
PT Seamless Pipe Indonesia Jaya, Indonesia Not the lowest substantially responsive bidder.


  1. The successful Bidder
Name of Bidder: PT Citra Tubindo Tbk
Address: World Trade Center (WTC) 5, 16th Floor. Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav 26-31, Jakarta 12920
Contract Price: USD 12,161,515
Duration of Contract: 365 days
Scope of the Contract Awarded: Supply of Casing
Amount Performance Security Required: USD 608,076


Jakarta, July 13th, 2020

Procurement Committee

PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero)