Governance Principles Company

GeoDipa's Corporate Governance includes principles for transparent management, accountability, and ethical policies. Committed to governance standards, GeoDipa ensures regulatory compliance.

GeoDipa Corporate Governance Standards

In order to ensure the comprehensive implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG), GeoDipa adopts the standards set by the Ministry of Finance through Regulation No. 88/PMK.06/2015 concerning the Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises under the Guidance and Supervision of the Minister of Finance.

Governance Principles

Governance Strategies

Prioritizing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) to build a strong foundation for effective and sustainable corporate management.

Gratification Management

GeoDipa is committed to a gratuity-free environment, utilizing policies and the Anti-Bribery Unit (UPG) as preventive measures and controls within the company.

PT GeoDipa Energi, a government-owned geothermal company, focuses on maintaining positive business relationships. It is committed to good corporate governance, avoiding gratuities, and ensuring ongoing control. Implementing the Gratuity Control Guidelines is essential for fostering a professional and respectable culture throughout the company.

Whistle Blowing System

GeoDipa provides a reporting system for violations, enabling all stakeholders to report indications or breaches related to the Company's Code of Ethics.

PT GeoDipa Energi implements the Whistleblowing System (WBS) as a reporting mechanism for both external and internal individuals to report legal or regulatory violations. The Violation Reporting Guidelines provide a platform for whistleblowers to convey information about violations within the company. It is crucial to be done with the correct structure to ensure the safety of whistleblowers and prevent fraud. Appropriate follow-up, including suitable penalties, is necessary for effectiveness and to serve as a deterrent.

Geo Dipa State Official Wealth Report

This report provides comprehensive and transparent details regarding the wealth of GeoDipa's state officials, including information on assets, liabilities, and net worth in accordance with relevant regulations.

The Wealth Report of State Apparatus ("LHKPN") aims to facilitate mandatory reporting by state officials regarding their wealth upon assuming office, during mutations, promotions, and retirement. Another obligation associated with LHKPN is the public announcement of wealth and willingness to undergo asset inspections.

Code of Ethics

GeoDipa is committed to ethical practices, adhering to CoC and GeoDipa GIMS for robust corporate governance, preventing conflicts of interest, and addressing social conflicts.

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance for all GeoDipa personnel to behave in accordance with the standards set by the company based on the values and principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). This is aimed at building integrity and supporting the achievement of the company's Vision and Mission.

Conflict of Interest

GeoDipa adheres to integrity, independence, and avoids conflicts of interest, supporting GCG principles for independent corporate management.

This procedure is intended for GeoDipa personnel to understand, prevent, and address conflicts of interest in the company, supporting corporate management in line with GCG principles. The goal is to achieve corruption-free management, enhance integrity, performance, corporate value, and prevent state losses.

Board Manual

The guidelines provide an overview of matters related to the organizational structure of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company.

The guidelines for the structure of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company, as well as their functional relationships, are explained in this manual. It serves as a reference for both in achieving the Company's Vision and Mission.

Good Corporate Governance

GeoDipa's Corporate Governance ensures transparency, accountability, and active participation, ensuring sustainability and integrity in its operations.

A corporate system based on transparency, independence, accountability, and fairness. Adheres to laws and common practices, considering the interests of all parties. The COCG guidelines serve as a reference for the Board of Commissioners, Directors, and all GeoDipa personnel for good corporate governance.