Event News Press Release 01 June 2024

Indonesia’s Director General of Renewable Energy Visits Geothermal Power Plant

Patuha, West Java
– The Director General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Eniya Listiani Dewi, visited the Patuha Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) on Saturday (1/6). The visit aimed to gain a more comprehensive understanding of one of Indonesia’s geothermal power plants (PLTP) and to directly observe the process of utilizing geothermal energy into environmentally friendly electricity.

During her visit, Eniya was accompanied by echelon 2 officials from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM), including the Director of Geothermal Energy, Gigih Adi Utomo. Eniya reviewed various facilities at PLTP Patuha, from geothermal wells, steam turbines, to cooling systems. Eniya also dialogued with PLTP Patuha workers to obtain more information about the operation and maintenance of the power plant.

“In the context of renewable energy sources, the stable baseload comes from geothermal and hydro (water),” said Eniya in her speech at PLTP Patuha. Eniya explained that geothermal and hydro are renewable energy sources that have great potential to be developed in Indonesia. These two energy sources have stable and environmentally friendly characteristics, making them a mainstay for meeting national energy needs.

Eniya hopes that GeoDipa, as the operator of PLTP Patuha, can continue to contribute and become an example for other geothermal power plants in Indonesia. Eniya emphasized the importance of sustainable PLTP management, considering environmental and social aspects.

“I hope GeoDipa can be a good example in managing PLTP, both from the technical, economic, and social aspects. We must maintain environmental sustainability and the welfare of the community around the PLTP,” said Eniya.

The visit of the Director General of EBTKE to PLTP Patuha is part of KESDM’s efforts to promote the development of renewable energy in Indonesia. KESDM is committed to achieving a national energy mix target of 23% by 2025, with geothermal and hydro being the main contributors.

About PLTP Patuha

PLTP Patuha is one of the PLTPs in Indonesia with an installed capacity of 55 Megawatts (MW). This PLTP is located in Bandung Barat Regency, West Java, and is operated by PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero). PLTP Patuha utilizes geothermal energy from Mount Patuha to generate environmentally friendly electricity.

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