Event News 07 June 2024

State-Owned Enterprises Collaborate on Geothermal Development in Indonesia

Geo Dipa Lumut Balai

Lumut Balai, South Sumatra – PT Geo Dipa Energi Persero (GDE) paid a working visit to PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk (PGE) Area Lumut Balai on Thursday, June 6, 2024. The visit aimed to establish synergy between state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in geothermal development in Indonesia, supporting the government’s NZE (Net Zero Emission) program by 2060.

The visit was led by PT Geo Dipa Energi’s Director of Operations & HSSE, Supriadinata Marza, along with the Corporate Secretary, General Manager of Patuha Unit, and General Manager of Dieng Unit. In his remarks, Supriadinata said that there are many similarities in the business operations process at Lumut Balai Area with GDE’s PLTP Unit-2 project which is currently under construction. According to the man who is familiarly called Rio, GeoDipa can learn from the synergy pattern between the unit that handles projects and the unit that handles installed PLTPs. “This pattern is what we can emulate or learn from. We can duplicate good items, and we can improve items that need to be less. Of course, with discussions to find solutions.”

General Manager of Lumut Balai Area, Catur Hendro Utomo.S, presented the operational process, production, development plans, and various challenges faced. The discussion focused on the development of the PLTP Unit-2 project, including HSSE aspects, project organization, CSR, as well as ESG implementation and strategies. The operation and project of PLTP Unit-2 are expected to provide benefits for the local government and the surrounding community, especially in energy resilience and economic growth, while maintaining environmental sustainability.

The PLTP Lumut Balai Unit-2 project is currently in the construction phase and is targeted to enter the commissioning phase in December 2024, and then continue with commercial operations. The geothermal energy potential in the Lumut Balai Area reaches 230 MW, with 150 MW proven. There is still great potential for development in the future.